Human Nature Initiative
Elevated by Nature - Created to Nurture

body | mind | spirit

Together We Grow

Human Nature Initiative offers teachable skills for better living. You choose your path to a better life, on purpose, with practice. Our gatherings take place in an immersive, peaceful, and natural setting. Traditional education trains us intellectually, to which we add programs in social, emotional, relational, and spiritual learning, those dimensions that make up the rest of our being.

Elevated by Nature




Create an awe-inspiring gathering place for all people to participate in programs geared to authentic personal development, wellness, growth, true (holistic) leadership by connecting to, discovering, and learning through nature, programs, recreational opportunities and events.

pine twig


  • Develop and deliver collaborative and interactive nature therapy and self development, health and wellness programs and events
  • Promote holistic health and wellness
  • Foster human development
  • Provide self guided, one on one and group personal development experiences in a safe and natural environment
  • Increase cultural unity, equity, inclusion
  • Protect environmental resources
  • Facilitate and Support community / social and economic development
  • Strengthen community image and sense of place and belonging


Human Nature Initiative Inspires To

  • Increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of the benefits of the natural environment.
  • Provide a natural holistic experience combined with recreation and relaxation designed to aid in education, training and responsible enjoyment of the environment.
  • Provide a forum for discussion on the issues, challenges and opportunities of self consciousness.
  • Reconnect with living authentically.
  • Provide a safe space for individualized experience(s) of exploration and discovery.
  • Offer an array of proactive self help | discovery | development programs | offerings | opportunities.


Our Humble Beginnings

An idea was inspired for a Deeper Connection between Human & Nature. People are looking for a deeper meaning and connection to their lives. Materialistic values are no longer the ultimate goal for a vast and growing number of people young and old. The environment is a major concern for most people, corporations and governments now. Having centers created to nurture, as a gathering place for community, culture and learning, is key to helping transcend our human expression.